For visitors (beta-residents)
Q: Where can I sit?
A: On one of the chairs in the kitchen area OR one of the two chairs marked 'vacant' in the main office area. The two chairs in the main office area belong to my partner and me. If we're not there, you can use them.
Q: What happens if you or your partner comes in while I'm using one of your chairs?
A: We smile and say hello to each other. After that you move to the kitchen area.
Q: Can I use the meeting room in the corner of the main office?
A: You can use the meeting room if it's vacant. Please leave the room again when your meeting is over.
Q: Can I use the two glass booths in the main office?
A: No.
Q: I need a private room. Is the place suited for that?
A: No.
Q: Can I use the screens and other equipment on the tables?
A: No.
Q: I usually spend a lot of time on the phone and/or in online meetings. Is the place suited for that?
A: Not really. In that case, we recommend that you find another solution.
Q: You guys usually eat lunch together in the kitchen at noon. What do I do if I'm on a chair in the kitchen?
A: Preferably, you stop working and join us for lunch (and bring whatever food you've got) or move to one of the two chairs for beta-residents in the main office (as those will be vacant while we attend the lunch).
Q: Where should I leave my jacket etc.?
A: Leave it at the wardrobe to the left right next to the entrance door.
Q: How does wast sorting work?
A: Paper, cardboard, plastic (should be cleaned first), glas and metal goes ind the gray bucket (with the yellow lid). Organic goes in the green bucket next to the sink. Everything else goes in the bag under the sink.
Q: Are dogs allowed?
A: No.
Q: What’s the next step?
A: Book a chair or join us for lunch.
Other than that
Q: I would like to visit, when is most convenient for you?
A: You are always welcome at Cowork Klitmøller. Usually we’re pretty busy doing the day. The most convenient time for us is lunch time (12 PM - 12.45 PM).
Q: What are the dates for the open for all once a month Friday bar?
A: Check the frontpage. The dates should be there.
Q: What is Cowork Klitmøller?
A: Cowork Klitmøller is – well – a coworking space and a Matchmaking Zone (hence an ‘open-ended’ coworking space) for residents and beta-residents of Klitmøller.
Q: What are residents and beta-residents?
A: Residents live in Klitmøller. Beta-residents are recurring visitors of Klitmøller. We all share a deep relationship with the ocean and the surf, the light and the sand dunes, the wildlife and last but not least the culture and the people of Klitmøller and the entire Cold Hawaii coastline. Residents do most of their work in Klitmøller. Beta-residents live somewhere else and need to bring (some of) their work to Klitmøller to be able to go more often and sometimes stay a little longer.
Q: What line of work are you in?
A: The place we’re building is perfect for, but not limited to: entrepreneurs, architects, writers, graphic designers, event planners, bloggers, art directors, fashion designers, photographers, filmmakers, web designers, stylists, product designers. Markers of all stripes are of course welcome but we do not offer tools like 3D printers, laser cutter, cnc saw etc.
Q: What is a Matchmaking Zone?
A: A Matchmaking Zone is both a virtual network and a venue where residents and beta-residents can meet, connect, think, share and make things together. The starting point is the desire to achieve the personal, professional and social advantages of a strong network and competence community. The purpose of Matchmaking Zones is thus to create value through relationships by providing the best possible conditions for support and cooperation and, above all, the (new) products and services this generates.
Q: So why are you doing this?
We're doing this to:
Share networks
Learn from each other
Merge competences
Trust each other
Have fun
Make cool stuff
Do business
Earn a (decent) living
Q: What are your values?
A: Besides basic human rights – and the right to a (really) high-speed internet and lots of coffee, we believe in:
Q: How can I become an ambassador for Cowork Klitmøller?
A: Please contact us.