The day and release of Standing on Water finally came.
It was a night to remember, as the crew, cast, family and friends gathered at Nasa (the local surfclub in Klitmøller) on a beautiful Wednesday evening. We had a few drinks and everybody boardet a bus taking us on a 25 minute ride to the cinema.
The seats were filled with excitement.
Standing on the water on the poster
The red carpet quickly filled up as we arrived and everyone entered the cinema. 144 seats were already sold out, and people were waiting for extra tickets to be released. There was a lot of love in the air.
Peter Alsted and Casper Steinfath on the red carpet
Casper Steinfath in good company #2
Bad asses infront of the sponsor wall
After an electric 30 minutes it was about time to enter the cinema and open the doors to the film.
It's about to happen
Standing there on stage presenting the film and thanking local supporters and crew as well as hugging Casper and his family, was the perfect way to finally kick it all off. Sharing this moment with all these wonderful people was truly an amazing moment, and I'm humbled and grateful for everyone who's been part of this journey. We've come a long way. And now we've reached this chapter. This is just another step in the journey, and what a journey it has been. Next steps on the way os to get Standing on Water out into the world.
The cast receiving flowers on stage